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"Day of the Dead Fest"
Name: Day of the Dead Fest
Artist: Peter Calvesbert
Item No: TJEV05DF
Made In: England
Status: Fixed Edition
Carving Date: 2005
Release Date: 8/8/2005
In Store Date: 10/21/2005
Edition Size: 1501
US Issue Price in USD: $75
Dimensions (Inches): 1.8 x 2.5 x 3.1

Secrets & Variations:
For the 2005 event, we have selected the Mexican holiday “Day of the Dead” as the theme. Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is a holiday very dear to Noel Wiggins and Lisa Yashon, co-founders of Harmony Ball Company. It was what brought them to Mexico in October and November of 1988, when they were still young and carefree. They had been collecting “Day of the Dead” figurines in the U.S. and wanted to find the source of their treasures and to experience the holiday first hand. Traveling in an old and battered camper throughout the incredible country of Mexico, little did they know that their adventure would be the start of Harmony Ball Company and Harmony Kingdom. To commemorate the ten year anniversary of The Royal Watch Collector’s Club, we thought now was the perfect time to pay tribute to the holiday that started it all.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with this Mexican holiday, the Day of the Dead is a colorful, festive, family celebration where people pay tribute to their deceased loved ones. Flowers, incense, candles, statuary and photographs adorn grave yards and home displays called “ofrendas”. There is always a lot of food and music; a solemn occasion this is not! Many Harmony Kingdom retailers will re-create a Dia de los Muertos party for you to experience..

Peter Calvesbert has carved a delightful box figurine specifically for the occasion. Like previous autumn events, each piece will be shrink-wrapped so the joy of discovery will be all yours. The worldwide edition for “Day of the Deadfest” is 1501, with 125 vividly painted versions, 275 mold variations, and a one-of-a-kind jeweled piece!

Here is what Peter says about the holiday and his event piece: Dia de los Muertos is a Mexican celebration of loved ones no longer with us. I must admit I knew nothing about this event before it was suggested by Noel and Lisa, but now I wish we had something similar in England. Shrines are often made in houses and these are decorated with flowers, special breads and skeleton figures. Noel and Lisa became immersed in Mexican culture and traditions whilst traveling the country in their younger days! Lisa kindly furnished me with these events, which I’ve included as secrets on this piece.

Chinook (On our first and most memorable trip to Mexico, Noel and I traveled in a rusty old Toyota Chinook. Chinook is an Indian word meaning south wind, which blew us down to Mexico over 15 years ago).
F&D ( For Mexican artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera – each incredible artists but an even more amazing couple).
A watermelon (Also in homage to Frida and Diego- both used watermelons in their last paintings before they died).
Rubin (Our Mexican partner, without whom we would have no business. A four-fingered Vulcan-like character whose life has been full of tragedy).
No Perros/No Mujeres (The sign on the front swinging door of the first of many cantinas that we frequented. Not only did the old bartender allow me to stay, he bought me numerous tequila shots).
Guanajuato (A beautiful colonial town with a huge mummy museum).
Real de Catorce (A most beautiful ghost town, more exotic than anything I have ever dreamed of).
Sonora (This is the famous Mexico City witchcraft market, with things like rattlesnake skins, desiccated hummingbirds, and aphrodisiac scorpion oil for sale).



Mold Variation

Photos courtesy of Flo Hendry.


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